The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 – Film Review

Published October 19, 2023

Movie Details

Tobe Hooper
L.M. Kit Carson
Caroline Williams, Dennis Hopper, Bill Johnson, Jim Siedow, Bill Moseley
1 h 41 min
Release Date
August 22, 1986
Comedy, Horror

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, directed by Tobe Hooper, is a film that lives in the shadows of its predecessor, the groundbreaking 1974 horror classic. While it may not reach the same iconic status, the sequel manages to carve its own niche in the horror genre with a unique blend of gore, black comedy, and a distinctive visual style.

At its core, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a visceral and blood-soaked experience, providing an abundance of gruesome moments that cater to the gore-hungry audience. The film masterfully employs practical effects, showcasing grotesque and horrifying imagery that lingers in the mind long after the credits roll. The practical effects are a testament to the creativity of the special effects team, making the film a visual feast for fans of practical gore effects. From severed limbs to grotesque masks made from human skin, the film doesn’t hold back in its depiction of violence, delivering a spectacle that is both repulsive and strangely captivating.

One of the standout elements of the film is its dark sense of humor. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 doesn’t take itself too seriously, embracing a campy and over-the-top tone that sets it apart from other slasher films of its time. The characters, especially the sadistic Sawyer family, are portrayed with a certain level of absurdity, turning them into caricatures of horror movie villains. This deliberate shift in tone might not sit well with purists of the original film, but for those who appreciate horror with a touch of comedy, it adds a layer of entertainment that keeps the audience engaged.

Dennis Hopper’s performance as Lieutenant Lefty Enright is noteworthy. His portrayal of a vengeful uncle seeking retribution for his niece’s death adds depth to the otherwise shallow pool of characters. Hopper’s intensity and commitment to the role elevate the film, providing a sense of purpose amidst the chaos. His cat-and-mouse game with the Sawyer family adds a suspenseful element to the narrative, culminating in a climactic showdown that is both thrilling and satisfying.

While the film succeeds in creating a unique atmosphere, it is not without its flaws. The plot feels thin and occasionally disjointed, relying heavily on shock value and gore to compensate for the lack of a compelling storyline. Character development takes a backseat, leaving most of the cast feeling one-dimensional and forgettable. This lack of depth in the characters diminishes the emotional impact of their gruesome fates, making it challenging for the audience to connect with their plight.

Additionally, the pacing of the film can be erratic, with moments of intense action followed by prolonged periods of stagnation. This uneven rhythm might test the patience of some viewers, especially those expecting a more consistent and tightly structured narrative. The film’s reliance on excessive violence and gore could also alienate more sensitive viewers, making it unsuitable for a broader audience.

Visually, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 stands out with its gritty and industrial aesthetic. The film’s set design, particularly the underground lair of the Sawyer family, is impressive and adds to the overall sense of dread. The use of lighting and shadows creates a foreboding atmosphere, enhancing the film’s horror elements. The cinematography effectively captures the grotesque imagery, immersing the audience in the nightmarish world of the Sawyer family.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a mixed bag of gore, dark humor, and stylistic flair. While it may not reach the same heights as its predecessor, it offers a unique viewing experience for fans of horror-comedy. The film’s creative practical effects, coupled with Hopper’s standout performance and Hooper’s distinctive visual style, make it a worthwhile watch for horror enthusiasts looking for something offbeat and unconventional. However, its thin plot, underdeveloped characters, and uneven pacing prevent it from reaching the level of greatness achieved by the original film. If you’re in the mood for a gory ride with a side of dark humor and can overlook its shortcomings, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 might just satisfy your craving for over-the-top horror.