Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Film Review
Published January 2, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens was the triumphant return to the beloved Star Wars franchise first brought to us by George Lucas back in 1977 with the first movie, Star Wars: A New Hope. The original trilogy was considered amongst many movie fans to be one of the best movie trilogies of all time, and The Force Awakens is a sequel to Return of The Jedi, the final movie in the original trilogy.
In this movie, we mainly follow Rey who is a scavenger on the planet of Jakku. During this time, a new threat known as The First Order arises in the galaxy, which brings our heroes Rey, Finn, Han Solo, Poe Dameron, and Chewbacca in a desperate attempt to stop the evil Kylo Ren in the First Order, from destroying the galaxy with Starkiller Base.
This movie is filled to the brim with so many interesting characters that always keep your eyes glued to the screen, constantly wanting all the details on each and every one of the characters. One of the film’s most interesting characters is Finn, who originally was a Stormtrooper for the First Order, however, during an assault at a village, where Kylo Ren demands the Stormtroopers to kill the villagers at the beginning of the film, Finn is the only one that does not do so. He just simply doesn’t feel right doing such a sinister act in this village. Shortly afterward, he changes his ways completely and decides he wants to be good and help.
However, the most interesting character in The Force Awakens is most certainly Rey, portrayed by Daisy Ridley. From the first shot we see of her in the beginning, she is shrouded with mystery, and something about her character feels unique, and something we haven’t seen before. As the film progresses, we learn much more about her, and we discover many interesting things about Rey.
The action and the story are perfect in The Force Awakens. There was never a single time when watching the film, that I ever felt bored, and one of the reasons why is because everything is filmed with care, and the script is euphoric. Everything written in the script is amazing, and is guaranteed to make everybody watching the movie interested in every scene happening on the screen as the viewers are watching the story unfold.
In Summary: Star Wars: The Force Awakens is an incredible return to the epic galaxy fans have been adoring since 1977 and is sure to please just about everybody.