Notes of Autumn – Film Review

Published September 24, 2023

Movie Details

Troy Scott
Rick Garman
Ashley Williams, Luke Macfarlane, Marcus Rosner, Peter Porte, Kelsey Lopes
1 h 24 min
Release Date
September 16, 2023
TV Movie, Comedy, Romance

The heartwarming Hallmark film Notes of Autumn, helmed by Troy Scott, explores friendship, creativity, and romance themes in a charming and picturesque setting. It is a decent but not outstanding addition to the Hallmark lineup, offering some delightful moments and a generally warm atmosphere.

Leo (Luke Macfarlane), a well-known author who is experiencing severe writer’s block, is the focus of the plot. He decides to swap homes with his best friend Ellie (Ashley Williams) for a change of scenery as the pressure to finish the upcoming book in his cherished book series is getting to him. Leo meets Matt (Peter Porte), a charming musician with a talent for sparking Leo’s creativity, by chance in Ellie’s cute and cozy home.

The casting is one of the biggest praises here. Leo is a charismatic and relatable character thanks to Luke Macfarlane. His portrayal of an aspiring author searching for his muse is charming and convincing. Ellie is played by Ashley Williams, who is equally endearing and who accurately captures her character’s journey of self-discovery. A standout, charismatic character who provides the ideal counterbalance to Leo’s creative block is Matt, played by Peter Porte. These three actors have a strong chemistry together, and their interactions make for some of the most entertaining scenes.

The picturesque setting of the film is one of its distinguishing features. The film’s themes of change and renewal are complemented by the autumnal backdrop, which features vibrant foliage and warm interiors. The film’s idyllic world is enthralling to watch because of the way the cinematography captures the beauty of the season.

The film also looks at issues of friendship and personal development. The importance of connection and support in one’s creative journey is highlighted by Leo’s friendship with Ellie and his changing relationship with Matt. These themes connect with viewers and give the narrative depth, transforming it from a simple romance into something more.

Notes of Autumn also keeps up a steady rhythm with its pacing, keeping the audience interested all the way through. However, there are times when the dialogue seems a little forced and the characters speak too directly about their thoughts and feelings. The interactions might have felt more genuine if emotions were expressed more subtly.

There are some drawbacks here, though. The concept of a writer finding inspiration in an unlikely location is intriguing, but the execution comes off as a bit formulaic. The resolution feels hurried and overly neatly tied-up, and the plot develops in a predictable manner. A more thorough examination of Leo’s creative process and a more gradual growth in his bond with Matt would have been more satisfying.

Although Sam (Marcus Rosner) and Wendy (Kelsey Lopes) are supporting characters, their subplots don’t feel fully developed. If given more screen time and depth, the love story between Sam and Ellie might have been more captivating. Although endearing, Wendy’s character is a bit one-dimensional, and her part in the overall story could have been expanded to give a more complete story.

Notes of Autumn benefits from a strong cast, a lovely location, and an emotional investigation of friendship and creativity. Its partial predictability and the underdevelopment of some of its subplots keep it from realizing its full potential, though. For fans of Hallmark movies and those looking for a heartwarming story, it may not be a ground-breaking addition to the genre, but it still offers a cozy and enjoyable escape into the world of autumn romance and inspiration.