Killer Book Club – Film Review

Published August 27, 2023

Movie Details

Carlos Alonso-Ojea
Carlos Garcia Miranda
Veki Velilla, Álvaro Mel, Carlos Alcaide, Hamza Zaidi, Priscilla Delgado
1 h 29 min
Release Date
August 25, 2023

Killer Book Club, directed by Carlos Alonso Ojea, features a terrifying story that combines suspense and horror, taking viewers on an emotional roller coaster. In a world of terror, the film examines the dynamics of friendship while also revealing a dark secret that puts their lives in danger. While the film’s intriguing premise and tense atmosphere manage to hold viewers’ attention, its uneven pacing and weak character development keep it from standing out as a truly exceptional horror film.

The film’s premise is intriguing from the get-go. Eight friends who share a passion for horror literature are thrust into a nightmare situation when a murderous clown sets his sights on them. Unbeknownst to them, the clown discovers a dark secret they all share and goes on a gruesome killing spree, taking them all out one by one. This premise creates the perfect setting for a thrilling game of wits as the group fights for survival while attempting to solve the identity and motivation of the clown.

Without a doubt, the film’s atmospheric tension is its greatest asset. Ojea expertly creates a tense atmosphere by using darkly lit locations and unsettling visuals that give the audience goosebumps. A eerie musical score that supports the feeling of impending doom heightens the sinister atmosphere. The juxtaposition of horror elements with the book club’s seemingly unremarkable setting adds an air of unease and effectively plays on the worry that something sinister lurks in plain sight.

The examination of the relationships between the characters and their shared secrets is one of its most noteworthy strengths. As the story progresses, the group dynamic becomes more and more tense, exposing unspoken tensions and betrayals. This thematic layer gives the narrative depth and prompts the audience to consider the effects of their own behaviors on those around them. The movie could have gone further into these psychological facets, allowing viewers to care more about the characters’ outcomes.

Ángela, played by Veki Velilla, steals the show as the film’s main character. Angela is convincingly and compellingly portrayed by Velilla as a resourceful and determined survivor. Her character is given depth as a result of her transformation from a bookish introvert to a tenacious fighter, making her the narrative’s emotional center. Lvaro Mel gives a commendable performance as Sebas, balancing vulnerability and humor. His camaraderie with Ángela gives their friendship a dash of sincerity.

The character development in the film falters, despite the strong performances from the lead actors. Despite having their own distinctive quirks, the supporting cast members are largely one-dimensional. For instance, Iván Pellicer‘s portrayal of Nando lacks the depth necessary to make the audience truly connect with his character’s actions and motivations.

Pacing is yet another area where Killer Book Club falls short. Moments of intense suspense are frequently intercut with slower, dialogue-heavy scenes as the film struggles to keep a steady rhythm. Horror movies need to build tension, but too much dialogue without interesting revelations can make viewers groan. A more focused script that maintains the suspenseful atmosphere without letting it wane would have benefited Ojea.

Additionally, while the atmospheric shots help to create a general feeling of dread throughout, some of the horror scenes don’t have the necessary visual impact to make an impression. While initially unsettling, the killer clown’s appearances gradually lose their shock value due to repetition. The fear factor might have been maintained with a more interesting approach to the clown’s manifestations.

Veki Velilla and lvaro Mel deliver strong performances in Killer Book Club, a compelling blend of suspense and horror. The film excels at creating a tense and uneasy atmosphere, and the complexity of the story is furthered by the exploration of friendships and secrets. However, the film’s uneven pacing, a lack of character growth for the supporting cast, and sporadic visual flaws keep it from realizing its full potential. Killer Book Club offers a thrilling ride but falls short of being a true standout as a result, making it an enjoyable but flawed addition to the horror genre.