Fear the Night – Film Review

Published August 2, 2023

Movie Details

Neil LaBute
Neil LaBute
Maggie Q, Kat Foster, Travis Hammer, Gia Crovatin, Brenda Meaney
1 h 32 min
Release Date
July 21, 2023
Action, Thriller

Eight women gather for a bachelorette party at a remote farmhouse in the California hills. They’re soon interrupted by the arrival of masked intruders who surround the place and begin shooting arrows at the home and the guests. Now it’s up to Tess, a military veteran, to lead the women in a final stand as they fight back to save themselves and survive the night.

Fear the Night is a thriller directed by Neil LaBute that tells the story of Tess, an Iraq War veteran and recovering alcoholic, who returns home to reconcile with her sister, Beth, and attend their little sister Rose’s bachelorette party at the family farm. The film explores the tense relationship between the sisters and the chaos that ensues when they are attacked by unknown assailants during the party.

One of the film’s strengths is the portrayal of Tess by Maggie Q. Her performance as a troubled veteran dealing with inner demons and trying to find her place in the world is commendable. She brings a raw intensity to the character, making Tess a complex and compelling protagonist. The audience can empathize with her struggles, especially considering her traumatic past as a war veteran and recovering addict.

The movie builds tension effectively during the party scene when Tess senses something amiss with the caretakers. Her discomfort and unease are palpable, and the audience starts to feel a sense of impending doom. Unfortunately, the tension dissipates once the attackers strike, as the film transitions into a more standard survival thriller.

The bachelorette party attack scene is shocking and intense, and it sets the stage for the survival struggle that follows. The use of crossbows as the attackers’ weapon of choice adds an unsettling and brutal element to the violence. The chaos and confusion during the attack are well portrayed, and the audience can feel the fear and desperation of the women as they try to escape and defend themselves.

As the story progresses, the film delves into themes of survival, sisterhood, and self-discovery. Tess takes charge, using her combat skills to protect the group and make strategic decisions. The dynamics between the surviving women shift, and their relationships are tested under extreme circumstances. However, the character development is somewhat lacking for the supporting cast. The other women, aside from Beth, are given minimal depth and backstories, making it challenging for the audience to fully invest in their survival.

The film’s pacing starts to falter in the middle act, as it becomes repetitive with the constant threat of the attackers and the women trying to devise plans to escape. Some scenes feel drawn out, leading to occasional dips in tension. A more streamlined approach to the survival elements would have maintained the intensity and made the film more engaging.

The resolution of the film leaves much to be desired. While Tess’s survival and the sisters’ reconciliation provide some closure, many plot points remain unresolved. The fate of the meth money and Tess’s decision to give a false statement to the authorities are left open-ended, leaving the audience with unanswered questions.

The film’s setting at the family farm could have been utilized more effectively to build atmosphere and tension. The vast rural landscape offers potential for suspense and isolation, but the movie fails to capitalize on these elements fully. The setting could have been made more claustrophobic, amplifying the sense of danger and making the survival struggle even more desperate.

Another drawback is the characterization of the attackers. Aside from Perry, who serves as the main antagonist, the rest of the gang lacks depth and motivation. Understanding the attackers’ reasons for targeting the women and their connections to the caretakers could have added depth to the story and made the threat more menacing.

The film’s technical aspects are adequate but not outstanding. The cinematography captures the eerie ambiance of the night scenes, and the action sequences are decently choreographed. However, the film lacks a distinctive visual style or memorable cinematographic moments that could have elevated its overall impact.

Fear the Night boasts a compelling performance by Maggie Q and effectively builds tension during the attack sequence. However, it falls short in its character development, pacing, and resolution. The film’s potential to explore complex themes and create a gripping survival thriller is hindered by unresolved plot points and underdeveloped supporting characters. While it may entertain audiences looking for a straightforward thriller, it leaves a feeling of unfulfilled potential and missed opportunities for a more profound and engaging cinematic experience.