Spider-Man: No Way Home – Film Review
Spider-Man: No Way Home is an emotional gut-punch of a film, jam-packed with tons of goosebump-inducing moments that are sure to make the biggest fans of the web-head squeal with delight.
- 2021
- Action, Adventure, Science Fiction
Deadlock – Film Review
Deadlock is a hugely trope-filled and disastrously boring rip-off of Die Hard and proves that once great actor Bruce Willis will do anything to relive his glory days.
Red Notice – Film Review
Red Notice is one of the most 90s feeling movies that wasn’t made in the 90s. It’s incredibly dumb but also a total blast to watch.
Spider-Man 3 – Film Review
Spider-Man 3 is the most entertaining film in the franchise for me, and the one that speaks to me the most. Is it flawed? Yes. But the good definitely outweighs the bad.
Spider-Man 2 – Film Review
In terms of story alone, Spider-Man 2 may be the best superhero movie ever made. It’s grounded, emotional, and it finds amazing ways to flesh out its characters.
Spider-Man (2002) – Film Review
Spider-Man is a big-budget superhero adventure, but at its core, it’s a film about learning to love yourself, look out for others, and accept responsibility, which I find beautiful.